Project Overview:

Welcome to the world of Life in Every Breath, an upcoming animated short that takes you on a profound journey through the eyes of a samurai. Inspired by the timeless themes of Ghost of Tsushima, The Last Samurai, and the visually stunning classic Samurai Films, This project is an exploration of what it means to live with purpose, honor, and intensity.

Story Synopsis:

Life in Every Breath follows the adventures of Miyamoto, a young samurai abandoned as a child and raised by a Samurai. Trained in the way of the sword, Miyamoto becomes a skilled warrior, but his true challenge begins when he sets off on a journey to discover the essence of life itself. Through battles, loss, and encounters with a diverse cast of characters, Miyamoto learns that living like a warrior is not just about fighting—it’s about embracing every moment, understanding the value of each breath, and finding peace in the present.

Why This Project Matters:

In a world that often rushes past the small moments, Life in Every Breath reminds us of the importance of living fully and mindfully. This adult animated series brings to life a story filled with action, emotion, and philosophical reflection, aiming to resonate with viewers on a deeper level.

We believe that animation has the power to tell stories that connect with audiences of all ages, and Life in Every Breath is our contribution to that belief. While still a work in progress, this project promises to deliver a narrative that is as visually captivating as it is emotionally moving.

Stay Tuned:

We are thrilled to share this journey with you and look forward to bringing Life in Every Breath to life. Stay tuned for updates, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes content as we continue to work on this exciting project.

Thank you for your support, and remember to live every moment like a warrior!

Konstantinos Zacharakis
project type:
Short Film
KZanim (Promo)
RND - Unreal
April 22, 2023
David Oswald
project type:
Interior Design
6 month
November 22, 2020